About Me

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WHo Is JANee?? Ever since the age of 8 Janee has been interested in Music. Growing up in certain circumstances, music was her escape. She participated in many music programs. From Band to Singing, she has experienced it all. She was the top flute player in her middle school band, and she also participated in an Honor Chorus Program in her middle school. From this, she gained a lot of experience, and she learned extraordinarily fast. Not only wanting to pursue a singing career, Janee also aspires to begin her own record label. She also would like to write and produce music, model, and open a restaurant. Janee is a person of high morals, and would like to start a non profit charity for kids. Singing may be only one of the things she will achieve in her lifetime. In the future, she plans to work with many people and create music for everyone. Now at the age of 17 Determined, smart, and strong, describes her more than anything. She will not let anything, or anyone stand in her way. Contact information AOL Instant messanger: neexsings Twitter: @itsmejanee Email: janeebizz@yahoo.com neexsings@aol.com

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Aubrey Drake Graham

So I caught Drakes Special on MTV lASt NIght. It has done NothinG More But Make me gain more respect for him as a person as well as an artist. I have always Loved drakes music and his persona but to actually see him sit there and speak on himself....
He seems so humble and appreciative of what he has created for himself as well as the people around him. He loves his Fans....What More could you ask for from an entertainer??

"Thank me later B*tch June 15th"-Drake

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


OKay so I was LookIng At my Horoscope For TODAY...And What it said was...

"You're absolutely serious about something deeply important to you, and your friends and family are aware of it. You have the support it'll take to accomplish your dreams -- don't let anything hold you back."-Yahoo astrology

I am really into this horoscope thing....and have been for years noW and I check
my Horoscope everyday. Most of the time my horoscope [PSHHH! ALL the time]
is correct So YEaH.....If YOu REad The TITTle Of this HERe LIttle Post You Would Know THat I AM ALmost 17 Yrs. Old.(Sheesh) Okay so i am Just Over Powered With JOy Right Now beCause I am Supposed
To be getting One Of thE BesT GiftS I CAN RecieVE! Not ReallY goinG tO Say What it is But It is going TO Make me VEry Very HAppy...iF i DO NOt REcievE it i WIll Be uPSET! =/. But ANywAY. Im Making Changes In My Life...Getting rid of all tHe Things i dont need and TryinG TO Open up To the things i do....NEED. Soo New Me...Not Really but....Really. Hmm....

[CiarA to the Stage is My SOng!-RANdom THought...im bumpin it now]

Monday, June 21, 2010


-Alexander McQueen
-Baby Phat
-ANy other Womens SHoe Maker/Designer-

-Any other SNeaker Maker-


So i am going through a Phase...SHOES!!(Bags! N Scarfs)[LOL]


Whats Not 2 LOVE??

SOme of the favOrites.


Alexander Mcqueen Pictures, Images and Photos

nike dunk Pictures, Images and Photos

dereon shoes Pictures, Images and Photos
[WHo ELSe!!][THeSe aRe KIllER! BOMB!]

[Designer:unknown....SRRY] But are these not hOt??

Red Converse Chucks Pictures, Images and Photos
(Got 2 lOve THem)(ConvErSe)

coach shoes Pictures, Images and Photos